LG  launched the G8X ThinQ smartphone in India after it was introduced  at the IFA in September. It packs a 6.4-inch FullVision FHD+ OLED display, is powered by Snapdragon 855 with 6GB of RAM, runs Android Pie with improved user interface with a cleaner design, refreshed icons and tabs such as Dial, Call logs, and Contacts moving to the bottom of the display so that users can get even more done with only one hand, has dual rear cameras, 13MP 136-degree super wide-angle and 12MP standard sensor. There is also a 32-megapixel camera that merges four pixels to form large 1.6μm pixels for better output.

The new  OLED FHD+ 19.5:9 ratio LG Dual Screen has an additional 2.1-inch Mono Cover Display that lets users check the time, date, battery charge, notifications and other useful information without opening the Dual Screen. The new Dual Screen adopts a new 360 Freestop Hinge to allow for viewing at any angle (0, 104° and 180°), just like a laptop. It can connect to the phone via USB instead of Pogo Pins in the previous generation.It comes with an in-display fingerprint scanner. It has Two 1.2W speakers, 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC tuned by Meridian Audio, features a microphone which is automatically turned up when capturing video to ensure that sounds are recorded in vivid detail for the most  recordings.

The LG G8X ThinQ available in Aurora Black color and  priced at Rs. 49,999 and comes with the LG Dual Screen.


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